May 14th, the 7th annual AWF Wildcard Rumble event will take place in Phoenix, AZ at the PHX Beer Co. (tickets available here). With all the buzz about the upcoming event, let’s take a look at what exactly the AWF Wildcard Rumble is!
The AWF Wildcard Rumble is a 20-person (or in some cases, 20-30 person) over-the-top-rope battle Royal, with specialized rules.
2 competitors start out in the ring. At a predetermined time interval, competitors will enter the match one-by-one until all competitors have entered the match. In previous years, intervals have ranged from 90 seconds to 2 minutes.
The only way for a competitor to be eliminated is to be thrown, pushed, forced, etc over the top rope. Competitors may also be eliminated by exiting the ring over the top rope, of their own accord. All eliminations are subject to the discretion of the referees/officials.
There are typically no disqualifications in the Wildcard Rumble match. Exceptions can be made at the referees’ discretion, though such occurrences are extremely rare.
The winner of the match is the last remaining competitor after the other 19 (or larger, depending on that year’s number of entrants) have all been declared “eliminated” by the referee(s)/officials.
The prize for winning is typically specified prior to the beginning of the match. Past prizes have included a number a title opportunity for the AWF Heavyweight Championship; entry into the AWF Gold Rush tournament; etc. The prize can be redeemed by the competitor at any time of their choosing.
Some of your favorite AWF Stars have entered the AWF Wildcard Rumble match in the past. Who will enter this year for their chance to win?